Monday, August 15, 2011

Wow! Long time, No see!

My goodness! I had completely forgotten about this! I guess I'm glad no one follows my blog, because if they did, no one would now!

Well, we have all grown, and re-located back to my home state of Arkansas. F is in school now, and R will be soon enough. Hopefully when they are both in school I'll actually have time for something like this. I'm still interested in doing it because my sister lives almost 3 hours away and my parents are moving about 5 hours away! I guess I still live far away, though not as far as before.

Anyway, I hope everyone who may read this has been blessed in their lives and we all continue on our God driven paths.

I hope to be back here again soon.

Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm Back! Happy Father's Day!

Well, as you may have guessed, being a mommy of two does not leave me with a lot of blogging time. I'm lucky to keep from drowning in my e-mails.

Since yesterday was Father's Day, I thought I should say a little about my father. His name is D (not to be confused with my sister, DQ) and has beed a wonderful provider for our family. He always gave 101% or more to his work, but only when he was at work. When he was home, he was home and that was a blessing.

I remember our times together as very pleasant, unless we were working on my homework. Poor man, I just couldn't get math; I still can't.

We did many things, but there are two things that stand out in my mind.
1) One summer, my sister, dad and I built an A-Frame club-house in the back yard. We worked on that for the longest time. He showed me the meaning of hard work and good materials. That must have been almost 15 years ago, but it is still up and useable today, only now it holds yard tools and not play things.
2) He was always involved in Barbershop. That man loved to sing, and he still does. He is even the director of the local chorus and they are great. It saddens me to think of how few people still enjoy this beautiful kind of singing.

I would like to end this post with a link I would like you to follow. If your own father is still with us or has passed on, I think it will touch your heart.

Here's to you dad...

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Well, I'm real new to this whole blog thing.

I thought I would start one mainly to keep connected to my family, since I am the only one that lives away from everyone.

However, I know that even though I don't think my life in interesting, someone else may disagree.

So, here it is.

I am 27 years (and 2 days) old, and I live in San Antonio, Texas. I have been married to Z (34) for going on 8 years, and we have two children, F (3) and R (-1). I will post pictures of them some time in the near future.

I am a stay-at-home mom, and I love every minute of it. Except for the child screaming at 3am minutes, then I just deal with it.

Speaking of child screaming, R is yelling for me, so I will leave it at that for the time being. I hope to write again soon.

Have a great day everyone!